From left to right: Layla - 17 months, Brielle - 19 months, Levi almost 2, and Gracee - 15 months.
This picture cracks me up. Layla and Brielle in a stare down, comparing shoes. If these two get into as much trouble together as their mamas did, we are all IN FOR IT.
Here's a snap of all the kids that were there for the visit that day... even Levi's new little sister June made the shot. Nicole's perplexed look was due to her concern over how many goldfish Brielle was smashing into her mouth at once. I don't think you need to worry Nicole. Looks like the girl's got your metabolism!
Well, first let me start by saying my lack in posting is due to the fact that my sneaky little girl has been taking out things and hiding them. Our camera was her latest victim and we cannot find it to save our life. We'll probably end up finding it like 10 years from now and laughing at how old school the thing is once we do find it.
These pics were taken back in January, at my friend Kelly's in Madison. Can you believe that all these kids are ours... my friends from high school!? The funny part is that of the kids in these pics, Layla is the only "only child". The rest have at least one other sibling. Dang! It was awesome to get all the kids together and see how each one resembles their parents (in looks and personality).
Grandpa and G'ma Sherman -- sledding pics to come soon. We borrowed our neighbor's camera on Saturday to take Layla out sledding in the custom built sled that Grandpa ("Papa") built for Bean, and she wore her new snow pants from them too! She was so cute and had sooo much fun! The pictures are hilarious. Now, I just need to get my neighbor to send them to me.