Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sunday (or Wednesday) Post

No, I'm not claiming to have my own periodical (is that what people used to call newspapers?). I am however, making an attempt at making regular posts to our blog to continue capturing wonderful pictures and videos of our continuously growing and changing girls. My wonderful sis-in-law proposed the idea over Thanksgiving (thank goodness for teachers). I can commit to a weekly post, every Sunday, right?? [I started typing this post on Sunday, and was interrupted as moms always are... it's now Wednesday and I'm just returning to it.] By Sunday, I've had a break from the computer that I can't escape during the work week, and am a tad less put off by the idea of entering my user name and password - even when it's not for work I sometimes shutter at the idea - since computers run my life Mon - Thurs.

Today, I'll share a few of the latest happenings from our little Miss Maya, who is now 7 months (and then some) old... Recently, lil miss had her 6 mo checkup (a tad late, as she was 7 months at the actual appointment). She weighed in at 18lbs. Interesting fact: her big sister was weighing in at 22lbs at 6 months. Oooofda!

Maya is sitting up now... although she's a bit wobbly and would rather roll onto her side and take a spin around the house by continuously rolling. She prefers to roll to her left - we have to force her to roll to her right. Perhaps an indication of another South Paw for the Sherman family?

We just recently started referring to Maya as "Worm" because she's always wiggling, kicking, dancing, shaking, or bouncing. If she's awake, she's kicking and bouncing. It's pretty funny to watch, but a little exhausting at times... It's like holding an 18lb bobber at all times.

Another fun little thing Maya does is growl. No really. She growls. She kind of sounds like a Gremlin after midnight. She thinks it's pretty darn funny too. If we growl at her, she'll growl right back. I guess she prefers it over just cooing, like a "normal" baby would.

She has started to hold her own bottle (actually started a while ago), but only does it on her own terms. If she doesn't feel up to it, she's not doing it. And when she does feel up to it, she has a dead lock on that bottle!!!

With the help of my wonderful husband, we've started to let Maya cry it out at night... And, it seems to be working. The little miss is quite the sassy one and tends to wake up just to chat, yell, or demand food she doesn't need. We've gone from being up 3-4 times a night to 1-2. That's progress, right?!

Little Miss Maya (aka, Worm), we love you so much. Thanks for always making us laugh, even when we're exhausted and praying for peace and quiet. You're already a spunky, independent, and determined, and we love that about you.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Maya Diane

Over this past weekend, I spent some time looking back at our blog, and was so happy to have all of the pictures, stories, and videos of our little Layla girl from the time she was sent to us from Heaven. The videos were my favorite, so get ready Maya, I'll be shouting, "Action!" at you quite often in the coming weeks, months, and years. I've got a good number of pictures and videos stacked up already, and I'll be adding those slowly but surely to the blog.

I thought today I'd start with pictures of you from before you even joined made your big debut... and added some of my favorites from your newborn shot. Those were taken when you were just ten days old. The day was cold and rainy, and you were not a very happy camper, since you were having some trouble making a good old fashioned poop. But eventually, you fell asleep, and you were a peach for the remainder of the shoot. I'm so happy we did this, and one of these days soon, I'll be ordering some of these wonderful photos of you to add to frames for your bedroom!! 

Let's not forget to add your stats to this post either... I'm having a blast going back and comparing you to your sister. So far, your big sis seems to be the ribbon winner as far as weight goes (even though you weighed more than she did when she was born)!

Maya Diane Sherman
Born April 16, 2012
8 lbs, 4oz (your sis was 8lbs, 2oz)
20 inches (your sis was 22 inches)

 My first picture with lil' Miss Maya.
Our first family picture with the four of us. :)
 Baby girl sleeping soundly.
 Even while sleeping, you smile.
 All snuggled up.
 Your first picture with your big sister! She is so proud of you, Maya!
Our little peanut. :)