2009 is off to a "blast your face off" start for the Sherman's. As always, we're burning the candle at both ends and to be honest, I've come to realize that I'm not sure Jake or I know how to do it any other way. At this point, the only thing that's going to get us into "slow mode" is a vacation and the way things are going for me at work I don't see that happening for a while. I think our next "vacation" will be sometime in March, after I've gotten the new projects at work launched, things under control w/ half our team MIA (maternity leave, travel, etc) and for the simple fact that it's just been far too long since we've gone on any sort of retreat. I think we'll be hooking up with the Meyer's in the Dells, which will be a blast for us all.
Yesterday, I decided that if there was one thing I accomplished for this family this weekend, it would be cleaning our piece of crap refrigerator before it dies (if any of you have been over for a visit lasting more than 20 min, you know the retched sound the thing makes at sporadic intervals. It sounds like an emphysema patient smoking a crack pipe and then choking up a giant loogy). I am embarrassed to say that the fridge was so dirty that it was probably breeding highly infectious diseases. I do not have the slightest clue as what some of the things I found in there actually were and actually almost BARFED. No joke. It was sick and I am wondering how I let it get so bad, and, how I managed to turn a blind eye for so long. Our poor parents... God knows they've been in that refrigerator for one thing or another on family visits and have done everything in their power not to say, "For the love of God clean that God forsaken germ infested refrigerator." Now, it's shiny and new and it's amazing how empty it is. I filled an entire garbage bag of old food. Sick dude. How does that happen? Purple house flash back I tell ya.
Other minuscule items accomplished this weekend... Layla's laundry. The bonus -- I didn't have to fold it. Lori, our wonderful neighbor and friend did it for us. She was over for a few hours last night babysitting Layla while Jake and I went to see Marley and Me and somehow managed to also fold all of Layla's laundry. Thanks Lori!!! Marley and Me... what an amazing movie. If you haven't seen it yet, and, if you haven't read the book, read the book first. It's better and will prepare you for the movie. But, they did an amazing job with the movie and we LOVED it. Let's just say this, my eyes still burn, I was crying uncontrollably, cried all the way home and promised Hudson I wouldn't take him for granted anymore and wouldn't be so mean to him anymore. We'll see how long that lasts. :)
On a different note... a message to my dear friends who've been so patient with me over the recent weeks. Kelly M., Gobbz, Theresa (phone tag has been crazy), and anyone else that I may be forgetting at this moment due to mommy brain -- work should never take over the most important things in life like family and friends. Unfortunately, it has for me and I'm doing my best to just get things back on track and leave the rest behind. I think about you all very often and my top priority is to get something locked in on the calender for a long overdue visit.
Off to clean up duty on the house, then prep for travel today to visit some friends who are in from Oregon (the Nimm's). Then, home, work (I know, I know), and sleep.
I WILL be posting some long overdue pictures and videos today. TODAY.
Peace and Love. PEACE being the key word here.