She's just chillin'... havin' art time w/ daddy on the floor.
I had to take this picture of her hair. Look at those curls!!
This morning before school. I know, she sort of looks like a boy here, but look how BIG she is!
Yeah, yeah, mom. I'm big, I'm tall, but I still need my nuk. Get off my back already, would ya?
Is it possible that I now all of a sudden have a little girl? Not an infant, not a baby, but a little girl. I know, techincally, she's a "toddler", but seriously... look at these pictures. She's a little girl. A precious little girl who is innocent and happy and free. I just love her so much and cannot express how fulfilling it is to be a mama who wakes up every day to such a happy little girl. She honestly wakes up every morning with a smile on her face, or, at least with a funny little Layla laugh. Jake and I try to get up early each day to have our coffee together before the madness starts, and our favorite part of the day is hearing her first giggle. Think about it. Wouldn't it be great to wake up that happy, that excited, every day?? Try it once. I'll try it, but I think it might start as a fake laugh and end as a tired groan. ;) Not because I'm not happy, simply because I'm flippin' tired. You'd think this little one would be too, but she's not. She's our little girl, our little energizer bunny, our little sunshine.
As much to your disbelief, life keeps getting better watching these girls grow! Enjoy, love the pictures!
Time to have another one! ha ha
I LOVE her hair! I want it! I wish my hair was all curls like that! I know I know people that have curly hair hate it, but people who have straight hair hate it. The grass is always greener right? :-)
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