Monday, December 10, 2007

Cherry Mristmas From Layla and Papa


Anonymous said...

Layla looks like she's coming along well. She looked like she was trying to roll over in the video. And putting things in her mouth are good...good midline orientation and she is exploring/finding out where her extremeties are...maybe try puttin her on her stomach more so she can try and move from there and the back of her head isn't always on the floor


Anonymous said...

i think jake should be a stay at home dad!

The Sherman's said...

sherm - you're hilarious. jake's actually got her on a "lay on your tummy" workout routine now. she spent one 8 minute stint and one 5 min stint on her tummy yesterday before spazzing out about it. we're really trying to get her head to be round vs. flat on the back. ewww. scary. she's just not super into tummy time now, but we'll get her there. she's VERY close to rolling over.

Nan -- i know! jake is such a great dad! i see "stay at home dad" in his future... for sure. :)