Blog fans: Sorry for the massive lapse in posts/updates. Shortly after our last post, Layla was hit with her first whammy also known as the "daycare devil". I was called just minutes after dropping her off at daycare on Fri a.m., the 18th, and told she had just puked everywhere so I had to come get her. I won't go into all the details, but what resulted was two good weeks of snot, coughs, fevers, pukes, diarreah, sleepless nights, three missed days of work for me (two because I was hit w/ the bug Layla had and was sicker than I've EVER been in all my life, one to take care of Layla while she was sick and not well to go to daycare) one missed day of work for Jake (would've been more had it not been the end of the quarter at school as he was also hit with Layla's bug and sick as a dog but had to fight through it), cancelled night out for Jake and I this past weekend, cancelled day of snowmobiling, mucho dinero spent on infant meds (baby vicks rub, saline nose drops and kleenex is about all you can do these days for a baby suffering w/a brutal cold) and dayquill, nyquill, cough meds, cough drops, sudafed, kleenex galore, soup, 7up, crackers, blah blah blah blah blah, for us. We learned that you can be warned about the inevitable "daycare devil" sickness that will take over your life shortly after your baby starts daycare, but even the most detailed, emphasized warning can't prep you for how it all goes down.
So, sorry for the delay in posts... and sorry there aren't more pics here. Give us a few days to ease back into it all and pray that Layla doesn't get sick again. Not sure we can handle it... teething is starting now, and her glorious "sleeping through the nights" time seems to be over. Up 5 times w/her last night.
Just a few pics from yesterday... going thru hats to see what still fits. Had to squeeze this pink one on her Charlie Brown dome. Want to make it last just a bit longer as it's too cute for words. Also a pic of her in her Jumping Johnny... it was the 1st time we plopped her in it. She was a bit stunned and not quite sure whether she like it or not. But, she was relaxed, as you can see. Just kickin' it old school in her jumparoo.
Oh joy, oh bliss.