Thursday, June 12, 2008

First Tooth & 9 Month Bday

Well, our little "late bloomer" has cut her first tooth. She's getting her first bottom tooth in the front. It has already cut through her gums and is in plain sight. I am not entirely sure when it came in, suprisingly. Layla's been in full on "mommy mode" for the past couple of weeks, and I have to think the tooth coming in had something to do with it. Over the weekend, her nose started running like Niagra Falls. Then Jake noticed a little tooth that had sprouted! I wanted to post a pic today, but my camera's battery is dead. Oops. Stay tuned.

Also, on Friday, Layla turned 9 months old!! Happy 9 month old bday my little beepa bee, Peanut Pie, Stinky Layla Bean. You're getting so big, so fast. You've developed a sense of humor over the past month or so and love making people laugh. You play peak a boo, and clap your hands, you love to stand with very little help and have recently started pulling yourself up so you can stand. You log roll across the floor instead of crawling (you think it's faster) and are oh so close to crawling. Instead of moving forward in the crawling position, you like to move backwards and sometimes play peek a boo while you're getting ready to crawl! You've also gotten so tall that It's hard for me to put you in your crib while you're sleeping without one of your giant giraffe legs that hangs down getting caught on the side of the crib!!



Anonymous said...

Yay!! Steak dinner tonight!

Anonymous said...

You know what they say about late teethers, BETTER TEETH! Avery was almost 10months ( if I remeber correctly) b4 her first tooth, so no worries, hopefully no braces!