Friday, July 11, 2008

Deep Thoughts...

It's a gloomy, rainy, stuffy Friday. The last thing I want to do is be productive and work. Getting out of bed today was like getting up in the middle of the night. It was so dark and stormy (perfect sleeping weather). I think I hit snooze about 290 times. I finally dragged my big 'ol ghetto booty out of bed knowing that daycare drop today was going to take a while (Layla's last day in the little baby room). I had to give cards to her teachers and a present to one of her teacher's who's leaving to have a baby on Mon (c-section).

Anyyyywayyyy... the whole point of this post is to vent my frustration about gas prices. "Oh here we go!" is what I'm sure you're all saying. I know. I am the last person who thought I'd be hearing myself gripe about this. The media and old people (no offense to anyone reading this who might consider themselves "old"... if it makes you feel any better, I don't consider anyone who I know as loyal Sherman blog readers to be old) are the ones that are supposed to be blowing this whole catastrophe that is completely out of our hands out of control.

Let me explain... last weekend, I decided to take a good hard look at our finances, the budget plan, the bills, expenses, blah blah blah. Something I do every few months which always results in a melt down / panic attack where I scream and rip my hair out, and shout unreasonable drastic thoughts at Jake like filing bankruptcy and cutting out unnecessary items like toilet paper, food, and water (but keeping the must haves like hair products, sweet digs and shoes) out of the budget. Poor guy always has to talk me off of the edge, get me to understand we really are doing well (especially when you take into consideration what we started out with as a couple... remember our first place in Hudson!?? Then our next place in St. Paul!?? That blue house!! Oh my God I can't believe I lived there alone for a while when Jake was away for the Army. I can't believe I'm not dead). So in doing this review of expenses, I finally calculated how much we're really spending on gas. I about shit a kitten. Seriously. SHIT A KITTEN.

Yes, I know. I'm well aware that Jake and I BOTH drive GAS HOGS. And of course, my gas hog has to make a pretty hefty commute every week. Every time I drive I can hear the sound of a straw sucking the very last remains of a milk shake from the bottom of a McDonald's cup. At $4.20/gallon, I'm spending $90/week to fill up that damn Envoy, which equates to $360 a MONTH. That's just for ME. And that's if I ONLY drive to and from work for God's sake. Jake doesn't have much of a commute, thank God, but come fall, we're dead. He travels up north about every damn weekend for 3 months. "Hi, straw sucking milk shake, here we come." I thought I felt trapped in the Redneck Riviera before I was paying attention to gas and all the money I'm wasting ... Now that I'm paying closer attention, I'm going to turn into the Nazi of driving, and a total hermit crab.

Jake: "Babe, I have to go to the store to get toilet paper. We have none left in the house and I have to take the kids to the pool."
April: "Oh no you don't. We can't afford the gas. Go get a leaf out of the back yard. In fact, grab a pile of 'em. We're not going anywhere for a while."

Dear Mr. Obama or McCaine: Please lower gas prices. Whoever says they're going to do something about that first wins my vote. You frickin' b.s.'ers.

Does anyone know how to MAKE wine?? I can't afford to buy my own and could really use a glass or 8 right now.


Tee said...

Dude you crack me up!

And as a fellow "long commuter" I totally feel you on gas prices. Which is why I will be taking part in 3M's "Alternative Work Arrangement" program which will allow me to work from home two days a week. Even two days a week will save us so much money! I love being a pod communicator! :-)

The Sherman's said...

HOLY crap that's awesome that they have that avail for you guys. It's been "tossed around" here as an idea but I haven't seen anything come to light yet. I've proposed that idea to my boss for myself in the future though and will be working from home quite a bit in Aug becuase Jake will be gone for most of the month. Grrr.

Anonymous said...

You're a riot! I'm with ya tho - it's always cheaper here, today it's $3.99/gallon, but that's still a lot. If I was doing my 70 minute (EACH WAY) commute to Wells yet I'd die. Luckily, the pool and the beaches are not far away! :-)

I think you guys should FOR SURE be allowed to start working from home more. That's just ridiculous.

In fact, when I worked from home I was MORE efficient because I spent more time working and less time talking to people. It was boring, super super boring, but I got a lot done!

The Sherman's said...

nan - i'm going to start sending you shit bombs in the mail if you don't stop rubbing my nose in your SAHM glory every day. ;) I'm kidding... sort of. My butt will be a workin' mama for a long time, so hearing about the beaches and pools is the same as chewing broken glass right now. Miss thang. Why don't you take your summer pools and beaches and shove 'em where the sun don't shine? *Please note: there are two people in this ENTIRE world that I know that I can talk to like that in good fun and humor without offending... This comment is not intended to offend. I know you see my point, and I most certainly see the well deserved joy in your life now. I'm just jealous. :)

Anonymous said...

You're lucky I love you! :-) You know, if you'd just move up here I'd be able to take Layla with me to the beach every day. :-) And at least then she'd love me!

Seriously though, I don't go to the beach EVERYday, just most days. Does that help?

Lindsey said...

My gas costs me $85/week. I've had this vehicle since mid-April. I have 5300 miles on it now. Let's assume that I am getting peak MPG @ 19. Gas has been ~$4/gal since I bought it. SO. I've spent $1115 so far in gas over 3 months. Multiply that by 4 = $4460/year, if gas stays at $4. I am PISSED OFF people. PISSED as hell. That is JUST for me. That doesn't include what gas costs for Ray!!!!!!!