As promised... here are just a few pics of one of Layla's latest and greatest milestones. She is loving this little push behind walker thingie. She pulls up on it and stands all by herself. She'll push it forward about an inch at a time, but doesn't realize that in order to actually move with it, she has to also move her feet. She keeps those pudgy little tootsies just planted on the floor. Then daddy tries helping her with the steps. She loves it!! I love the look on her face first pic... little miss independent saying, "I can do it myself!!"
The other pics are of daddy's best helper, helping with the lawn mowing duties this past weekend. It's one of Bean's favorite things to do. In fact, she often falls asleep while dad's mowing. She pulls her hat over her eyes to block the sun, puts her head down and goes to sleep. Hysterical.
She's adorable! She'll figure out how to move those feet soon enough and then watch out!
i think you will regret encouraging this thing they walking...
WOW...What a riot! She is a spunky thing.
I cant wait to take her drinking!
Glen! You're alive!!! Oh my God!!
OMG! So I clicked on the first pic to blow it up so I could see Layla's cute face, but I also noticed that her sleeve was cut a bit...I almost fell off my chair! You have to cut her sleeves so her circulation doesn't get cut off??!!
I knew Glen was alive. Sometimes I get e-mails that say we should break stuff and drink lighter fluid. I just assumed that was Glen.
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