Thursday, March 12, 2009

Stats n' Stories

So, no, I don't have any pics to post yet. We were lucky enough to have someone borrow their camera to us, but I have only taken the time to chase Layla around and get a few short video clips and took some shots of her last night (not my best work, but I'm not familiar with the camera yet).

The video I took of her was hilarious and quite entertaining for Jake and I to experience live. I think I've mentioned before that I often try to give Layla some "naked" time at night. Basically to air out her butt and be freed of those darn diapers she has to wear (can you imagine?)! She LOVES it and goes crazy. She runs in circles for as long as we'll let her. Well, on this night, she was running around for so long that she must have just felt super relaxed. Because all of a sudden I noticed a little baby turd on our kitchen floor! When I saw it, I gasped and Layla was spooked by that so she ran full speed ahead into my legs. Then I looked at Jake, he looked at the poop on the floor and just went back to working on his computer. Seriously? You're that unfazed by human feces on the floor?!! I then went to get some wipes to pick up the rouge turd and by the time I was back Jake had picked it up. So, I guess that was his plan all along, he was just being "stealth" about it. ;)

Aside from the turd incident (doesn't that sound like a good name for a band?), not much new with us. Layla's 18mo appt went great. She's now weighing in at 28lbs (90th percentile) and is 33" tall (85th percentile). Her head's where it should be (whatever that means), developmentally she's actually ahead of the game, according to our doc and she didn't have to have any shots! Whoo hoo!! Another clean bill of health! Thank ya Jesus!

Okee dokee smokees. Off like a prom dress. Hehehe.


Anonymous said...

Too Funny...Teagan pooped in her potty the other day...and it scared the crap outta her (no pun intended) she ran out of that bathroom so quick! Maybe we're not quite ready for potty training:)

Anonymous said...

Must run in the family...word on the street is pappa left a rouge turd in a parking lot in athelstane

Nan said...

ha ha Koen does this in the bathtub. He's done it at least 6 times now. Gross. Riley never did it.

Anonymous said...

Pictures!! Pictures!!! I want Pictures!!