Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Fellow blog followers... my sincere apologies for the delay in posts. I have no excuses. Now let's get to the updates.

Layla has really started chatting it up w/us these days. She's starting to put words together and this week started saying, "bless you," (bess you) "love you" (yuv oooh), "thank you" (keee koo), and "let's go" (ess go). seriously, this stuff just all came out of the blue too. Of course, she's still saying her random words like "please" (peeeze) and "outside" (owshiiide) about 1000 times a day. One of her funnier words is "water" (wahler). for some reason she loves water. Not necessarily drinking it, but more so playing with it, in it, on it, under it.

We're looking very much forward to more sunshine and a long weekend and I'll be sure to post pics before the weekend (and plenty after the long holiday weekend).

Happy Sunny Days!!

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