Just a typical Saturday here at the Sherman house... no exciting baby news to report. Jake and I were up early - he had plans to go shoot his bow w/the neighbor guy, Paul, at the Hartford Gun Club, I just couldn't lay comfortably in bed anymore so got up at 6:45 a.m. to start the day.
How does a 9 mo pregnant woman "start her day" you ask? Oh, it's very exciting. Feed the dog, eat some cereal, wait for the Perk Place to open so Hudson and I can go and get a 1/2 caf latte, and run to the store for my latest craving... fruit. I bought peaches, nectarines, fresh pineapple (which is supposed to induce labor) and strawberries. Got home and cut all that up and my plan is to eat all the pineapple before the day is over.
I also convinced Jake to go for a walk with me (not that he needs convincing to do something outdoors or active, but I'm sure moseying around w/ a big preggers slow poke is just no fun for him). We took Hudson to Pike Lake and walked the trails. I had to stop a few times for contractions but was pleased with myself when we were walking back down the hills to see that a couple had to stop and pretty much "take a knee" because they were so winded. They asked us "how much further" to the tower and we told them they were 1/2 way there. Really, I shouldn't be too glorified. The fact is, they were out of shape, but I'm sure glad I didn't have to take a knee and ask that same question.
So as you'll see, my plan today is to GET THIS BABY OUT. The long hike/walk did nothing except give me those few contractions, and the pineapple thing seems to be a myth so far. But we shall see. For the rest of the day, I'll just mosey around here cleaning and picking up the dog food trails Hudson insists on leaving every time I vacuum or sweep. Damn him.
Jake's back at it in the basement. So far I've heard one, "YES! Sweet!" which is good, and one, "F@#k@*" which is not so good. But he'll get thru it, as he always does. Oops, I just heard a growl... and it wasn't Hudson... I'll steer clear of the basement for a while I think. :)
Until our next post...