Friday, September 26, 2008

Layla's First Shiner

The pictures don't really do it justice. This was day one (last Sunday) of Beepa's first "shiner". She took a pretty nice digger while she was "helping" me clean the fridge (she stands inside the door and pulls all the plastic salad dressing bottles off the shelf and hands them to me, or slams them on the floor). Her sock hit a slippery spot on the floor and she went down, face first into the bottom shelf of the fridge. She didn't really cry all that much, and as soon as I said, "You're okay, let's get back to work," she was fine. Funny how babies look to mama and papa for how they're going to react.

By Monday a.m., her shiner was pretty bad. Her eye was almost swollen shut and I was concerned daycare was going to call social services. ;) Luckily, they didn't and weren't surprised to see her w/her first battle wound since she's so close to walking.

The rest of this week has been spent prying both of her eyes open so that we can put drops in that help keep the pink eye away that she had last week and help w/the infection that I think she's been passing from one eye to the other on a daily basis. For this entire week she's looked like a UFC cage fighter.

On a separate note, I thought I'd give you an update on my last post, "Zen". I think I may have found him. At the Organic Market in good 'ol Slinger, WI. I stopped there (and have always wanted to but just never took the time) on Thurs after work. I spoke with a Naturopathic doctor while I was there about all kinds of homeopathic remedies for sick babies. I walked out of there w/ some infant multi vitamins, Dophilus powder (to put the good bacteria back into Layla's system that all the antibiotics she's been on have destroyed) and some ear drops for her ear infection that she's developed (grape fruit seed extract is the active ingredient). Call me a hippy or a witch doctor, I don't care. I'm desperate, and with my recent transition to all things natural with all of our cleaning products (Melaluca, thanks for introducing me Jaim), I figure why wouldn't I take a holistic / organic approach to medicine in addition to our recent conversion to all natural cleaning products?

Layla has had almost two full days worth of the ear drops and is doing great. No pain, just some oozing from her ear, which is normal w/the tubes and means the infection is draining. I'm super excited about this market I've found and think I'll be a regular customer going forward. I only wish I'd stopped sooner!!

Also, wanted to be sure that none of you think I'd ever just up and dissappear to CA, leaving my family behind to wonder when / if I'd be back. I think Jake was a little worried. ;) Instead, my dear friend Theresa has invited me for a visit next weekend. So in a matter of days we've planned the trip and I'll be flying up to Minneapolis next weekend. Just me! Holy canolis... Just me, for an entire weekend. I haven't been away from Layla for more than one night since she was born. I know she's going to have a blast with daddy for the weekend, as when I told her last night she got this look on her fact like, "Dude. Thank God. It's about time your got your neurotic ass out of here."

Peace, love and zen.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Does anyone know how to find Zen?

Zen. I've heard of it. Read about it. Am interested in it. Do I know how to find it? Not quite. Do I have the time? No. Can I make time to find Zen. Sure, I suppose, but how would I explain me sitting in a dark room, alone, doing nothing but humming for random periods of time to Jake while he's dealing with the organized chaos that is our life?

This has been one trying year. Bless our little Layla who means the world to us, but I'm not going to candy coat it anymore... she is a challenge. The poor thing can't escape the never ending crap that's passed around at daycare. Everything from a common cold and ear infection, to the flu, to pink eye, you name it. She's had it and so have we. Put teething pain on top of that and you've got one loud, stressed out, sleepless, MESSY house.

Her Birthday party weekend was survived in a total haze of exhaustion by Jake and I. We had a few "good days" after that, and were slammed w/ pink eye and a few sleepless nights this past weekend. Now, Layla has a bad cold, cough, runny nose and likely and ear infection which I've decided against treating (don't ask, just trust me. I'm not being an ignorant mother or a hippy. I just know what's best at this point and it sure isn't putting her on more meds that don't work and make her sick). Solution = Tylenol and cotton balls (for her, not me. For me, I've asked Jake to bring me home a set of ear plugs from school. Preferably non-used).

I am trying my best to keep positive thoughts, know that we'll get through this and that this will get better. I remind myself that there are other parents out there dealing with far more serious stressers like losing jobs, missing mortgage payments, a chronically or seriously ill child. We're blessed to have what we have but does that mean I can't vent that I'm still frustrated and stressed and tired of all that we're dealing with? Even though I DO know we'll get through it and it's all a part of life? Am I the only one that feels like she's been trapped in her house, playing mama for decades when it's only been a year. Am I the only one wondering what it's like to be out with GIRLS, having girl talk, and adult conversation?Is it bad that I want to get in my car and drive across the country to CA and become a hippy vagabond who lives on the beach and finds Zen?

If you've seen Zen, or know how to find him, please give him a message for me: The Sherman's need you. Stat. Come quick. If we move fast, we can save them.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Beepa's First Birthday Party

This weekend, Layla Bean had her first Bday party. She had a great time, even though she hadn't slept much at all on Friday night and decided against a nap on Saturday. She's teething again and aside from the Bday party, the entire weekend was a slight nightmare. Poor little girl just can't catch a break from teething and constant daycare viruses. But I have high hopes that this year will be better than last year. Flu shot, here we come!!

Thanks to everyone who made it to the party. Layla loved seeing all of her grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins (arf)! You all spoil her to death, that's for sure. Grandpa Ice, I'm just in love with the cradle you made for Bean and love the fact that it makes her room smell like brand new wood (oak? maple? I have no idea so you'll have to give me the low down on that).

Uncle Jeremy - you are in some big trouble for breaking the whammy bar on Layla's Barbie guitar you and Auntie Meg brought. That sucker is haunted and just rips out a huge riff randomly at all hours of the day / night. I think the first gift we'll be bringing your first child will be symbols. :) And a drum set.

As you can see, she's thoroughly enjoying her presents already. She loves her "big girl seat" from Nonnie... it totally entertains her while we're getting her dinner ready. Her winter Jacket from Grandma HD and Grandpa Ice is perfect and she LOVES her piano from Auntie Linds. I'll post a video of her "singing" into her microphone later this week. Hilarious. Thanks to Grandpa Roger too for the awesome flash cards, puzzle and toys!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Where were you?

9/11/01 ...

I remember that day perfectly. Jake and I were still living in Hudson... In our trusty, humble tiny apartment. Downtown Hudson, living the life on the St. Croix River, above all the hot spots the city had to offer. I had recently graduated from UW-W and was making stellar use of my undergrad degree by working at Target. :) Jake was still finishing up school at UW - Stout. That a.m., I wasn't scheduled to work. Jake was sleeping and I was watching the news. When I turned on the t.v., all I saw was one of the twin towers, smoking. I was thoroughly confused. And seriously, I thought it was an accident. I mean really, how could it have been anything else? I actually yelled into our bedroom, "Babe! Someone crashed a plane into one of the twin towers and I think that pilot is in BIG trouble!" (Those of you who truly know me will not be surprised to read that I honestly thought it was a giant mistake and that there would be trouble for the idiot who made the wrong turn w/his plane.)

I don't remember what Jake said or did at that moment. I just remember turning around, watching the t.v., and seeing the second plane hit the other tower. At that moment, I knew things were very very bad. The reporters were shocked, I think they were crying. It was absolutely surreal. Shocking. The world stopped. Literally. It stopped. Jake went to school, but was sent home. I think he was still in shock when he left, not fully realizing how serious it was.

Not knowing what to do w/ourselves, we took a walk to our favorite place - the pier on the St. Croix. No one we passed was talking. It was silent. It was a gorgeous day outside. But it was silent. I remember at one point hearing sirens and it scared me. I knew it had nothing to do w/the situation in NY, but the sound of the sirens scared me and at that moment I wondered if we should be scared, if we should even be outside. If more was coming??

After a whirlwind of a day, I remember Jake saying to me, "Babe, I'm still enlisting in the Army you know." I had a meltdown and told him that if he did, he'd have to go to war. He said he knew that. He wanted to. He had to.

Never forget this day, or what it stands for. If you have questions about why we're doing what we're doing in this war, talk to someone who experienced that day in NY, firsthand. Or, talk to someone in the military who's served overseas and seen first hand the difference we're making there. How we're helping the innocent civilians who want nothing more than to live a normal life where they can go outside and not be afraid to be who they are, who they want to be, and to simply live a normal future with the freedoms WE enjoy, and continue to enjoy, because of what our soldier's are protecting us from and what they're fighting for.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Best Way to Predict Your Future... to create it." (Can't take credit for that little diddy. That one's from Mr. Mark Twain himself).

Many of you have been sending emails and calling us to ask lots of questions about a recent media announcement regarding 3500 WI Nat'l Guard troops being deployed to Iraq early this winter.

Let me start by saying thank you to those who've offered your thoughts and prayers to us during this unsettling and uncertain time. To those of you who are confused and in a panic, please know this: So far, Jake is safe. We have more details than can be broadcast on an Internet blog site, but can tell you that we've received one miracle thus far, as far as dates go, and are now committed to putting the power of positive thinking (the law of attraction) into play in our lives on a daily basis so that in turn, we continue to receive more miracles.

As ambiguous as this may all sound, that's all we've really got for now. Jake is home, is nearing the end of his commitment with his current Guard unit and will finish out his stint with the military on the Inactive Ready Reserve list. Now, and going forward through the end of his commitment to the military (November, 2010), Jake and I are channeling our thoughts to all things positive and away from anything negative.

"Our life is what our thoughts make it." - This is our motto now.
"You were born with the power to control your life, Use It." - Here's where we'll focus our thoughts.
"It is done unto you as you believe." - So, we believe that Jake is home for good.

Please do the same for us. Rechannel your thoughts and affirmations to positive and good thoughts. Push away your worries and negative thoughts. Help us bring good ju-ju our way by using your energy and the good in the universe to keep your solider HOME.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Layla!!

Our little Layla Bean...

Happy 1st Birthday to you little girl. Yesterday, you turned 1 year old. Everyone warned us about how fast this time would go, but I never imagined it would pass by like the blink of an eye. It seems like yesterday that your daddy was driving me to the hospital, making phone calls early that Thursday a.m. to let everyone know that our baby would be born that day. By 7:30 that night, you were here yelling at us for making you come into this world too soon!

You've been such an incredible blessing in our lives Layla. You always manage to brighten our days and make us laugh with that giant smile that makes your big blue eyes disappear. You're learning so much, so fast. You're so close to walking, we're afraid to blink when you're around because we don't want to miss a thing. You're really starting to develop a funny personality. You love it when people "oooh" and "ahhh" over you and you love making people laugh.

This weekend was spent celebrating your birthday mostly just you and I, since daddy had to go to drill. We had a great time together, opening a few presents - some from mommy and daddy, some from mama's friends, some from neighbors. Everyone was so happy to bring you lots of toys and clothes for your big day!!

Because daddy wasn't home during the day on your bday, mama made you a Bday waffle cake for breakfast. Mini waffles, whip cream and bananas. You LOVED it!

Opening a few presents.

Today, we gave you your big present from daddy and I. A sand and water activity center (a.k.a. messy sandbox). At first, you weren't really sure what to think of the sand. You tasted it, and looked at us like we were crazy for serving you something so gross for dinner. Once we added the water, you were much more excited!

You and daddy... completing your Bday weekend w/ some swing set fun.

Love you Beepa! Happy Birthday to you!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Thanks Meyers!

Thank you baby Logan, Auntie Tee and Uncle Buck Killer for my early Bday present! Mama gave it to me early because she was excited to get it. I love that it honks and sounds like there are kids in the bus laughing! My favorite is the song it sings. Daddy dances when it plays that song and I laugh my chunky little butt off!

Thanks again!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Slave to the Woman

Well, blog land... sorry for the lack of posts over the past couple of weeks. There hasn't been much "down time" on our end since Jake's return from good 'ol Ft. McCoy, that's for sure. Jake had to go back to school for a week of meetings on the 25th and I was back to full swing at work (instead of two days of work from home each week to ease the load of being without a helping hand for three weeks).

Over Labor Day Weekend, we pretty much laid low and then on Labor Day I was hit with some nasty flu bug that about killed me. I've since recovered, passed it on to Jake and have scoured our entire house w/ all natural cleaners and germ killers. Hope it does the trick. Layla already has a cold... if I can keep the flu bug away from her, I'll call that a victory.

Yesterday started out as a normal day. A long commute into work, business as usual for the morning and then BAM!! Corporate America bitch slaps our entire division with a complete reorganization. That's all I'll say about that for fear of losing my job the way Dooce did for getting into too much detail on her own blog about business. There are definitely some positives that will come out of this, but there are still scary elements that come with a "re-org". No one really loves change and no one loves feeling like there might be some "unknowns" that could pop up around any corner at any moment and say, "Boo! I'm your new boss!" ;) Whatever will be, will be. Right? Such is life as a "slave to the woman." Yeah, I said it. Woman.

This weekend is our little Layla Bean's first birthday. I can't believe it. I know, how cliche saying something like that. But I seriuosly can't believe it. You mean it was a year ago already that I was in the Hartford hospital, pushing out that GIANT baby we now refer to as Layla Bean? That can't be right. It was a year ago this week that I was complaining about being tired, uncomfortable, hot, bored. HAHAHAHAHA!!! How trivial that all seems now. And if only I could go back in time and say to myself, "Girl, you think you're tired now. Wait until you meet that high maintainance royalty you're about to birth. Then you'll really know no sleep."