Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Best Way to Predict Your Future... to create it." (Can't take credit for that little diddy. That one's from Mr. Mark Twain himself).

Many of you have been sending emails and calling us to ask lots of questions about a recent media announcement regarding 3500 WI Nat'l Guard troops being deployed to Iraq early this winter.

Let me start by saying thank you to those who've offered your thoughts and prayers to us during this unsettling and uncertain time. To those of you who are confused and in a panic, please know this: So far, Jake is safe. We have more details than can be broadcast on an Internet blog site, but can tell you that we've received one miracle thus far, as far as dates go, and are now committed to putting the power of positive thinking (the law of attraction) into play in our lives on a daily basis so that in turn, we continue to receive more miracles.

As ambiguous as this may all sound, that's all we've really got for now. Jake is home, is nearing the end of his commitment with his current Guard unit and will finish out his stint with the military on the Inactive Ready Reserve list. Now, and going forward through the end of his commitment to the military (November, 2010), Jake and I are channeling our thoughts to all things positive and away from anything negative.

"Our life is what our thoughts make it." - This is our motto now.
"You were born with the power to control your life, Use It." - Here's where we'll focus our thoughts.
"It is done unto you as you believe." - So, we believe that Jake is home for good.

Please do the same for us. Rechannel your thoughts and affirmations to positive and good thoughts. Push away your worries and negative thoughts. Help us bring good ju-ju our way by using your energy and the good in the universe to keep your solider HOME.

1 comment:

gobbz said...

You got it, dude!

--Michele from Full House, and me!