Thursday, January 28, 2010

Gampa Rog visits

This past weekend, "Gampa Rog" (my dad) came to visit. He brought Layla a belated Christmas present (we haven't celebrated with him yet) -- art supplies! Paints, paint brushes, a sweet smock, water color markers and plenty of doodle pads! Thanks Gampa Rog!

Gampa also brought Layla one of those sweet wood duck thingie doos that you push and it totally looks like a real duck (I don't know how the hell to explain it, so here's a pic). Anyway, for those of you who know me, you know my eyes are about as good as Mr. Magoo's. When I saw dad pushing this duck thing up the driveway, I thought it was a puppy. And man, was I pissed! I thought, "Son-of-a! What the shit are we going to do w/another dog in this tiny ticky tacky house?!?!" When I realized it was a wooden duck, I laughed my arse off!!

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