Monday, August 11, 2008

Daddy's in there!

When Jake was deployed, one of the FRG activities was a Build a Bear event. I know, sounds lame. Actually, walking thru a Build a Bear store is one of the most horrific experiences I could've ever imagined, but if it meant that at the end of the tortuous experience I'd have a cute little soldier bear with Jake's voice and a message to me inside, I'd suck it up and "drive on" through it.

A few nights ago, I got the bear out and played it for Layla. You can hear Jake's voice plain as day and Layla just LIT up as soon as she heard him! Here's what she did when she heard daddy's voice...

Awe. And here's what she did when daddy's voice stopped.

10 days Beepa. We can do it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the looks she gives are fricken awesome! It makes me chuckle from afar!

He'll be home before ya know it...until then, think happy Linkin Park thoughts!