Saturday, March 26, 2011

Good intentions...

This morning, while sitting next to Layla on the couch as she watched the Lindsay Lohan version of the Parent Trap, I was enjoying a cup of java, and thinking about all the things I committed to before getting sucked into the daily routine that we call Corporate America. Man... work has been insane. Now, I know that there is a large base of my coworkers who read this blog, including my boss (hey dude), so I'm not going to complain about that. I love being busy. I love not having a second to gather my thoughts, I love not having time to pee. I do. It's all about job security, right? ;) But because I've been so busy with work, I've neglected to complete some of the goals I committed to shortly after returning to work. Some of those include: posting pictures of Layla and the fam on the blog on a regular basis, putting together Layla's photobooks (off of Shutterfly, not anything fancy like scrap books or old school photo albums - I'm not Martha Stewart people), and, well, some other stuff. I'd kind of like to put together my 'bucket' list so it's all fancy and I can frame it. I dunno, just thinking that'd be cool. Oh, yeah, family photos. We're way overdue for those, so I've got to set that up and break the news to Jake - he hates it when I make him transition from country to modern. ;)

Anyway, the point of this post is to share the fact that this morning, after thinking about all of this I thought to myself, "Well, what are you doing just sitting here? Do something about it!" So I got up, grabbed the USB cord for the camera, and ... started looking for the camera. I cannot find it. Now let me ask this question to you, my loyal followers: Do you lose things in your house on a regular basis, or is it just me? I'm constantly losing things, probably because I never put anything in the same spot more than once. It's my own darn fault, but I'll blame a little of it on this tiny house. I'm constantly trying to 'hide' things so this place doesn't look like a hoarder's den, but it always back fires. I do remember that the last time I saw the camera, it was in Layla's hands. So now, Jake and Layla are arguing about whether she remembers where she put it. The girl is the queen of hiding things and not telling us about it until we find it. We'll see what happens with this one.

The pictures I will be posting, if we find the camera, include pics of our trip to Mayo, Layla's first dentist appointment (last Monday), pictures of Layla and her friend Adella, and some gorgeous pics of Layla sleeping like a baby.

Stay tuned. Any bets on how many days it'll take for us to track the darn camera down!? Oh, look at that, dad just found two sippy cups under the couch. I was wondering where all the cups were going.


mom said...

I like that you are making a bucket list. Did I tell you I made a summer bucket list? I am going to do "something" fun and interesting every weekend, even if it's just ging to a museum. I am going to Wollersheim Winery and pretend I am in Napa Valley. And since I have no friends (not looking for pity, it's just the truth), I will be doing my bucket list alone.
I hope you found your camera!

Hope you find your camera.

Nan said...

i lose things ALL THE TIME.