Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

I'm going to post these pictures first (if you haven't read my previous post about how the camera was found, please do so now), because they're my favorite. I took these pictures after a long day at the hotel pool in Rochester when we were there for our Mayo appointment (3/18). Layla went hard all day long, running through the kiddie pool, going down the little slide that looked like a giant log (pictures to come), swimming in the big pool with mommy and going down the big waterslide with daddy. After all of the swimming and running, she played her little heart out back in the adjoining rooms that we had with the Meyer's. She played with Cody and Logan and even got a present from Aunty Tee (Barbie doll with two puppies, and a book). The kids were all so tired at the end of the night that we basically had to force them into bed and hold them down until they passed out because they weren't so pumped about the idea of the day ending. Once we got Layla into bed though, she was out. And I mean OUT. And as I watched her sleep, I couldn't help but melt. This is how she used to sleep, when she was a baby. So I snapped about 1,000 of the same picture, in hopes that I'd never forget that moment.


Nan said...

I know exactly what you mean. Aren't they angels when they sleep. Sometimes I just lay next to Koen and inhale his hair - wishing I would never forget that smell.

Tee said...

I was watching Logan sleep the other night thinking the same thing...I never want to forget him like this. What did we ever do without them in our lives? :-)

April said...

It's funny to think about life before kids. Lots of free time and QUIET, but I wouldn't change life as I know it today for the world. I feel like Layla's been in my life from the beginning, and can't imagine a world w/out sleeping babies! Awe...

mom said...

Wait til she's a teenager! Payback!!