Tuesday, August 7, 2007

A picture of the Buddah

Today we had our last ultrasound. Baby is doing fine... weighing in at 6lbs and 3 ozs already! Heartbeat: 140. Baby is no longer breech, he/she is head down and ready to go. He/she was sucking the thumb, sticking out the tongue, yawning and blinking. Pretty crazy.

Won't be long now...

Here is ONE picture... Nancy, don't sweat me cuz my face isn't in this. It's 8:44 p.m. and I look like death. ;)

Enjoy. And no making fun. This belly is HUGE.



Anonymous said...

Hey you - because your face isn't in this... maybe it's not even you? Maybe you just did a google search on pregnant bellies and posted some random chics gut. huh? You'll appreciate that you have these someday to show the little Miss how you looked with her in your belly. :-)

The Sherman's said...

I know... I've done a terrible job of documenting my pregnancy w/the camera. I've never been good at carrying a camera around w/me to document life. You're great at that. Why don't you just become my photo assistant and start following me around w/a camera? ;)

Anonymous said...

I could! I'm sure you'd appreciate that. ha ha As you trip UP the stairs at work... as you gag in the bathroom when someone "uses" it at work... ha ha You could make money off your blog then like Dooce!