Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Happy Birthday to me...

Yesterday was my 33rd Birthday. Wow, seriously? 33? I'm not really one of those people who gets overly concerned with age - it's just a number - but when you think about it, 33 sure as hell isn't 23. ;) I can tell you for sure that I am more aware of my age since I've hit my "30's" than I ever was before. A few things I've noticed over the past few years that are telling of my age:
  1. Hangovers last more than one day and are straight up not worth the "fun" that causes them.
  2. My metabolism went on a permanent vacation I think around the time I turned 30, maybe 31. If you see Mr. Metabolism, please send him back my way.
  3. There's no shame in coloring your own hair... If you don't screw it up, no one knows it came out of a damn box.
  4. I don't feel like there's any reason to stay up later than 9 (or 9:30 on nights when things get crazy... like when there's laundry to do or extra dishes to be done).
  5. I've found a new appreciation for the "staycation". No packing, no cabs or airplanes, and just relaxing at home with no worries is sweet.
  6. When we have our next baby, I might be in the "high risk" category because I'll be fast approaching 35 when the little one is born.
  7. Professional athletes are starting to look like teenagers to me.
  8. When someone drives down our street too fast, I mumble, "Man, slow down already, there are kids on this street."
  9. Sometimes I prefer talk radio to music when driving (well, when I could drive).
  10. I love waking up early so that I can have coffee with Jake and watch the weather forecast with him. :)

All in all, 33 isn't half bad. My day yesterday was a great one... my great friend Jaimie came to get me in the a.m. and drove me to Target to pick up a few things I've been meaning to get as a gift for my friend's nephew. After that, she took me for a super awesome lunch, and then home for my nap. The nap was very much needed and I slept hard. Then, Jaimie, her husband Jason and their little one Mason came back with pizza for my Birthday dinner! Yummm! Honestly, is there a better pizza than Papa Murphy's?? Layla and Mason played great together and Layla was beat after the Schultz family left.

I did discover last night that there are still limitations to the things I can do in one day since surgery. I need to be napping more and doing less. I ended up with a pretty severe migraine last night, one that was so bad I couldn't move and it eventually lead to tears. :( I ended up finally finding a bit of comfort after I put a few ice packs on my head and taking a few Benadryl to help me sleep (yep, I okayed that with the pharmacist who knows all the other meds I'm on).

Today will be spent doing a whole lot of sleeping. Then, off to the doctor for blood tests and, to get my staples out!!! VERY excited about that. Thanks in advance to my friend Jenny who will be my driver for the day.

Thanks to everyone for all the amazing Birthday wishes!!!


The Schultz's said...

What a great list of things you have learned. It's amazing the knowledge that comes with age and the changes. I used to be afraid of them, for they meant I was old.. but now that i am there, I love it! :) Loved seeing you on your birthday - take it easy woman!

Deanna said...

I'm with you on the hangover, Papa Murphy's pizza and the staycation!

Age is just a number and you will always be young because you have a youthful, fun spirit!

Anonymous said...

I am very lucky(so is AJ!) to have you as a friend! I still think the hangover is slightly worth it!

love gobbz

Lisa Kuderer said...

I tried leaving a comment before and it didn't go through. . .bummer! So here goes again - I agree with you - hangovers suck and last waaaay longer as you get older BUT isn't it worth it? LOL Glad you had a great day and sorry to tell you but being the "older" (I like to say "wiser") friend, Mr. Metabolism doesn't come back - I am still looking for him! Enjoy your week! :)