Thursday, November 11, 2010

Who needs perfume when you've got onions?

I'm gonna go ahead and mark this week down as one of the lower points in recovery. Tuesday and Wednesday were taken over by migraines and today I am fairly certain that I have an ear infection - in my right ear (surgery side) no less. I think I've been coming down with this for days, but I just blamed the pain on surgery. But now I'm to the point where it feels like someone is jamming a nail in my ear. It's awesome, let me tell you.

Since it's almost 8:00 on a Thursday, I'm sure as hell not making any plans to hit up the ER or walk-in clinic. Just thinking about making an appointment for tomorrow to see the doctor AGAIN makes me wrinkle my nose. I know it's necessary to see the doctor(s) as often as I do now, but dude, I'm so sick of clinics and hospitals. So I did some research on home remedies (stop laughing, BMeyer), and found that apparently if I cook an onion in the oven for an hour at 350 (where's the little symbol that signifies "degrees" on your keyboard?), drop the cooked onion in a canning jar (or whatever), prick it so it steams and put it on your ear until it stops steaming, the infection will be "gone". Now, I'm not holding my breath here, but several different sites swore by this so why not give it a try? I literally have nothing else to do. Jake's at parent teacher conferences and Layla's finally in bed.

I'm seriously jazzed to see how hot Jake thinks I am with the smell of onion steam all over me though. And I'm pretty sure the entire house is going to smell like a giant stinky onion. Oh boy, this is gonna be awesome.

I'll post the results. If my ear still feels like someone put a nail gun to my right ear tomorrow, I'll suck it up and go to the doctor. Oh yeah, I can't drive. Anyone want to drive me to the Hartford Aurora Clinic if this onion thing doesn't work out?

Mama mia.


Kelly said...

Sorry that sucks! Teagan had a 105.5 degree fever today so it was fun over here too!! Matt or I could drive you tomorrow if you need us:) Have fun with the onion...hope it works;)

Tee said...

lol this is hilarious!!! Be careful with the steam though it could burn! Man what I wouldn't pay to see you run this experiment!! Set up the camera and YouTube it! :-) Seriously though I hope you're feeling better soon! Sorry honey!!

Lisa Kuderer said...

So sucks to have ear pain. I have ear infections all the time - a friend of mine gave me the remedy of a "rice sock". It does help me. Take a sock and fill it with uncooked rice, heat in microwave and use as a heating pad on your ear. (It molds better to your ear than a regular heating pad.) My sister says a few drops of garlic oil in your ear if you have an infection does the trick also. Good luck!