Our Thanksgiving was a good one... Thanks to the Meyers for hosting us and tolerating a 3rd kid being added to the mix. Also, thanks again Theresa for linking us up with Brian and his friend who reviewed my pathology report. From what they say, everything looks really good and they said they'd be surprised if either of the doctors we're seeing over the next couple of weeks recommend radiation or chemo. I suppose they're just sending us their way to take precautionary measures in case the tumor does decide to come back (which, it won't because I won't let it).
Other than that, we're basically in a holding pattern until we see the oncologist at Northwestern (next week Tue) and radiology oncologist at St. Luke's on 12/17. I'm a little frustrated because in between getting these appointments set up myself, (and when I do try to set everything up, I'm hammered with a barrage of questions that may as well be in Latin), I'm either having a mood swing, so damn tired I start to stutter, or can't remember what the heck I'm supposed to be doing (which, normally is sleeping but when your doctors put your recovery and care into your hands instead of theirs, there's kind of a lot to be done). Grrrr. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that you need to be aggressive as HELL with the doctors that are taking care of you and / or your family. I'm thankful for the surgeon I had, but that's all he is. A surgeon. He did his job, and now we're being shuffled on to the next guy and let me tell you, whoever the hell it is that does return my calls (from my surgeon's office) when I have questions about this or that, sure does a shitty job of it. If I'm lucky enough to get a call same day, it's never before 6 or 7 at night. Usually later than that. And, she usually doesn't really have an answer for me anyway.
Yesterday I had more blood work done to test the levels of phenytoin (seizure levels or something, who knows). That will tell us how much longer I have to stay on the meds. Today, I've been on the phone with several of my dear friends who have been so supportive and I am at least 2 weeks late in returning their calls. Girls, please forgive me. I've either been too tired, or tied up w/ fam, doctors, or roid rage ;).
I'm playing phone tag w/ my primary physician to talk about when I can go back to work and how soon it will be feasible for me to get through my day w/out napping 3 times a day and not being able to open my right eye (I can open my right eye, but every once in a while, when I'm tired, it gets sticky and sort of only opens 1/2 way... weird, I know). Not sure if I have to make an appt to see her or what. My next follow up w/ my surgeon isn't until 1/10, and I'm sure I won't be able to get in w/ him sooner because getting an appointment with him is like getting an appointment w/ Angelina Jolie - it just doesn't happen unless you're whoever the hell it is that's co-starring w/ her in her latest role.
Sorry for all the inconsistencies in my writing ("with" v. "w/", "appointment" v. "appt"). I suppose I'm just all over the place w/ that right now and know none of you will really care (and, some of you will, you know who you are). ;) Have a great week and hurry up on the Xmas shopping people... Okay, I suppose that's also a little reminder for myself. I'm so not ready!!
Let me know if you want me to take you shopping Thursday or Friday. Also, Monday I think we're taking the kids to Blue Harbor in Sheboygan to hang at the waterpark. I'd love to bring Layla along and you if you're up for sleeping poolside for a bit;)
Am I one of the people you thought would notice the inconsistant use of "with" vs "w/"? :) If so, I didn't until you pointed it out...I must be slacking here without you at work to keep me on my toes. :) Hope to see you soon.
Heather... no, you weren't one of them. If I had handed you one of my work pieces to edit, then, yes, you'd be one of them. But I know you can kick it old school when you're readin' up on the blog or something not work related. The person who might notice those inconsistancies is, however, someone, we both know. :) Let's see if he / she knows I'm talking about them. :)
I certainly know it's not me you're talking about, considering I'm the last person to catch any inconsistancies! I still can't stay on top of putting two spaces after a period...(Don't you miss this stuff???)
April - just wanted you to know that every time I read your blog about how frustrating it is to deal with doctors and appointments, I am nodding my head and saying "I know, I know...". It's insane - isn't it? And it's not until you have a medical issue that you really discover how f*** our healthcare system is and in need of change!
Ape's, You're a little inconsistent in your use of "with" vs "w/"........and I think both of you spelled "inconsistant/inconsistancies " incorrectly.
Wait.....do I know Heather?
Z: You don't know Heater, ya dink. Thx for pointing that stuff out tho, dork.
Robyn: I hear you. The healthcare system is BEYOND jacked. It's really, really sad actually. And wait, did we change our standard at work from one space between sentences to two??
Just testing you! I'm the one who can't keep things straight. No - we didn't change from one space to two after a period. I meant to say it the other way around... This was just a quick test of your proofreading skills and you passed with flying colors! Good to know those all important work details are still intact. I think you're ready to jump back into the fray any time now!
Oh my gosh, are you talking about me? Okay, okay, I know I can be anal about these things, but even I didn't catch whatever it was you were doing. And April, we now put three spaces after every period. And now it's websight instead of Web site/web site/website.
We miss you so much and can't wait until you can start easing back into our crazy world!
Fess up! I know you guys are talking about me! ha, ha...
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