I'm not sure I can provide a true verdict on the onion home remedy. I gave it a shot, and the only results I ended up with were a stinky house, stinky face, and stinky hair. I still had ear pain on Friday, so made a doctor's appointment (thanks for the ride, Tasha). My concern was that I'd get there and the doctor would tell me, "Uh, no, you don't have an ear infection dummy. You just had brain surgery, and the pain is a result of your skull being cracked into right by your ear." I pretty much hit the nail on the head with that premonition. No ear infection, just pain caused by pressure that I'm having in sinuses and eustachian tubes from a cold I have. Yippeeee! So there's nothing I can do about it except snort my nasal steroids that I was put on a few months ago because I have chronic sinus infections. Had I been following doctors orders with the nose spray prior to Friday? Of course not. Why? Because nose spray sucks. But, if it's going to prevent issues like this, I suppose I should start listening. My ear is starting to feel better and my headaches, for the most part, are starting to get a tad better. Although, I have noticed that every day since last Tuesday I wake up with a killer headache (not just in the a.m., also after any naps I take). I think it's because there's added pressure in my brain when I lay down (Jake said when we were in the hospital, the monitors that I was hooked up to always showed higher "pressure" numbers when I was laying down at anything less than a 30 degree angle). So, I'm pretty much sleeping sitting up these days.
Now it's time to gripe about the drugs they have (and had) me on. Steroids are done. Thank God... but I'm sure the migraines had something to do with me being tapered off them last week. I say thank God because dudes, steroids make you FAT. Now, let me say that I know what you're all thinking... "You should count your blessings and be thankful that you're alive and not worry about your weight." I know that. I really do. But this is hard and really makes you feel like a pile of dooky. Before this all happened I was in full swing with a new workout routine and was doing weight watchers again. All was good. Steroids make your face puff up like the State Puff Marshmallow man and give you the munchies like you wouldn't believe. Now, I will say that yes, I could've made better choices with the munchies I chose, but I'm pretty sure if I started mowing baby carrots my brain would've said, "Nice try. Now just grab that piece of pizza you idiot."
Not so long ago, I made it a rule that I wouldn't weigh myself anymore because scales are evil and weight, like age, is just a number. Even when I go to the doctor, I don't look at the scale. I look at my feet. My primary doctor's nurse even knows that when I'm there, she is NOT to say my weight out loud because I don't want to hear it. Unfortunately, on Friday when I went to see the doctor, the scale did something annoying (loud beeping sound that threw me into an ICU flashback) and I looked up to see the horrifying 3 digit number. Let me tell you, I was about ready to bitch slap the scale and run out of there. I know this is all part of recovery, and it is what it is. But again, it's frustrating and makes me super self-conscious when I'm "out and about". I told Jake I feel like people are gawking at me, thinking, "Holy tub-a-lub". He gave me the, "Okay, crazy girl" look which helped a bit, but I can't help feeling that way when I am out (which isn't often).
This week I'm focusing on healthy foods, "moderate" exercise (cuz I'm told that's all I can do, blah) and positive thoughts. I am thankful to be alive and for my friends and family and KNOW that weight is just a stupid number. But I also know that I am not a fan of my new muffin top or my "moon face" (that's an actual term used by others who've been on the roids, I saw it on a chat forum when I was feeling sorry for myself).
Now off to my to-do list. Lots of phone calls to make this morning and then it'll be crash time. My anti-seizure meds start messing with me between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m. They usually make me start shaking like someone pumped me full of high diesel coffee, then they make me dizzy, then nauseous, then I pass out (note really, I just go to sleep). Whooo hooo! ;)
Quote for the day: If you don't like something, change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it. - Mary Engelbreit
I guess I shouldn't bring over any potatoe Soup...!!! If you want I guess there is a really good organic store right up the road from the Roemer Ranch..!! Hope you feel better..!! 3 more days and I'm off so we can do coffee maybe if your up for it.
OMG April! You are too funny! Onions - yuk! Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better though. :) Don't worry about the weight (I know, I know, I'd be freakin' too!) - just remember it is a temporary thing. When you start to feel better, you can workout more. Sorry to tell you though that Mr. Metabolism doesn't come back - not ever! Being your "wiser" friend (I don't like to say "older"), I can tell you that he has not visited my house in FOREVER! Good luck with that! I LOVE your quote - one of my many favorites! I tell my kids all the time - sometimes we can't control a situation or "change" a person but how YOU react to it, makes a difference in how you feel. So take it easy and enjoy your day. :) I look forward to your next update. They make me laugh! :)
Jenny - If you made it, Jake will eat it! He luvs it!! I'd love to do coffee so let me know what works for ya. And yeah, let me know about the organic store! I know there's one in Slinger too. Been there and it's good, just a bit small.
Lisa - I am totally just going to focus on the positive and be thankful for what I'm surrounded with. I was pretty certain Mr. M wouldn't come back. Maybe I should invent something that helps find him and brings him back? Yeah, that'll be easy. :)
April, I love reading the updates...you crack me up. I also agree, when I hit my 30's everything in my body went haywire!!! I swear I have seen the dr. more in the past 2 years than I had my entire childhood.
I recently gained weight and felt like a complete blimp. I went to Target and bought some $20 jeans that actually fit me...it made me feel a bit better not having a muffin top.
Do you have a "Festival" foods down there? If so, they have been fabulous for my family with the whole organic thing. If you need any help with organic questions, let me know, I've read more ingredient labels than you can imagine! ugh.
Hope your headaches go away soon and take care!
You make me laugh out loud. I don't get to check out the blog as much as I would like, but when I do, it gives me a good laugh. Weight...that old stupid number...again it is just a number and you really shouldn't be worried about it. When you move to P-town, we will work out together...spin class, running or whatever else you would like to do. Hang in there, it can be a long recovery especially when you have to depend on so many people for help, especially the driving thing. I know how it can be. It will get better soon even though it may seem like forever. Happy belated birthday, hope you enjoyed it. Hope to get together really soon and I loved!! your list of things that happen in your 30's...hey I am about 6 months up on you, so I will tell you how 34 goes!!
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